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Monday, November 24, 2014


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Hello everyone,

I present to you my blog on the inspirational people and different personalities of the world who had a rough start in their life but when they thought of being optimistic rather than pessimistic, their lives changed instantly. 

Over the period of time they also became more firm and determined finding  the meaning to their life. Either by bouncing back in life and moving ahead in any field or by serving the society with the carft or art they possesed.You will find lots of personalities from different fields. You will find all the information of the great personalities of the world who can inspire you.

Life has always two sides the rough patches(dark,negative, pessimistic) or the smoother one(light, positive,optimistic). You have to make the choice to create a difference in your life by your decesion. The sole purpose of this blog is to inspire people not to loose hope in life and never feel alone. This blog will be informative and enjoyed for school projects, Knowledge hungry people, People who are addictive to reading. You will take a lot of time reading the biographies of these people but here you will get every important information in a nut shell.

"Life is like an icecream enjoy it before it melts." Live each and every moment to the fullest and enjoy life. You only live once.
Great People Quote

"Life is meant for living not just surviving"

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